Tuesday, December 27

found something 'bout it , i'll try to find and post an Ebook version .

here is the review ....


Eleven minuets

just started Reading Paulo Cohelho's Eleven minuets.

it's a life story of a woman , well a pro .. , but it really moved me at very first pages .

i suggest you All read it , Married , single , man , woman . :)

Wednesday, December 14

سياه و سفيد

"... آنگاه که بگویی به نام خدا
خداوند می گوید بنده من با نام من آغاز کرد پس او را یاری خواهم کرد
خواهم که قلب گرمت آماج غم نگردد باغ دلت الهی دشت ستم نگردد
اشک ندامت ای جان از چشم تو نبارد دریای آرزویت مرداب غم نگردد
بر چهره ات نبینم گردی زنامرادی از شادی و سرورت ای کاش کم نگردد
جام دلت همیشه لبریز شهد بادا در ساغرت عزیزم صهبای غم نگردد"

آنگاه كه بگويي به نام خودم .
خويشتن خويش به ميدان نبرد سپرده اي ،
‌ پس به جاي اميد واهي به همت قدم بر خواهي داشت
و سنگ سنگ بناي لحظات آينده خويش را با اراده خويش خواهي چيد .
قلبت گرم است به عمل دستانت .
همت بلندت ،‌نتنها خود كه اطرافيانت را شاد خواهد كرد .
به جاي آرزو و ندامت ،‌تصميم و هدف خواهي داشت
و سروري هميشگي از پيمايش قدم قدم مسير بر پاهاي خويش خواهي داشت .

علي پاييز 84

Iranian Culture , bits and pieces

I was in the taxi and the radio was on ..

it was talking about loving the God and loving holy Imams and the normal daily dose of socalled Holyness required by iranian culture .
then i started to think and think and think ,
what are the roots of these Illusion .

may be these are Reactions toward The old iranian society . a culture which is so closed to social communication that yealds a sufficient amount of Dissatisfaction for those that have the need of Social life .so those with a live imagination , try to reform their needs into dreams and illusions and call them sprituall and mix Everything up so no one can tell the truth from Stories ..

more and more , everyday , i find myself turning into a Monk .
i see my need for communication , and can't meet it ,
each and everyday i find less and less among people that
look or sound Sharp enough to understand ,

i see no sharp eyes of wisdom
no deep thought flowing out of a clever look.
not even a head up and looking to the horizon .
just people with heads down walking .....

this is sick , no one knows why where he/she is going ..
why is it always like swimming in the river , where everyone has stuck to a stick and left the choice of the path to the flow ?

tired and sad ..
a bit offended ..
but i'll be allright soon .
sorry for the rough language .

Friday, December 9

story of exploration , part one

I see you there
in your Bubble

flowing in the streams of air
light and playfull
moving without care .

and i came to you .
outside that bubble .
and i saw the world
clouds and colors .

then i tried to guess .. about you , inside .
tried to predict , without prejudge.
and i told you words , visions and toughts .
and u assumed i had the light of insight .

you told me , I saw ,
you were suffering
you were sad ,in pain .
dissapointed of you , your were , fighting there .

then it was your shell , soft and delicate .
bright and briliant . but there to protect.

Monday, December 5


نهال خشكيده اي نيست ،‌كه
حياتي است
از گوشت و پوست و خون و درد و لذت
كه به ملموس ترين شكل جاريست
و ما
كودكان هوس و آرزو
از هراس حقيقت
از هراس وهم آلود غير قابل انكار
از محقق بودن حقيقت
به تصوير خيال پناه مي بريم و به سان مرغي سر در برف فرو كرده
نفسٍ راحتِ اسايشِ واهي ميكشيم

پاييز 84 علي

Saturday, December 3

!!!شعار همیشگی ملی

" اون ها هیچی نیشتند چون ما پررو تر هستیم "َ