bits and pieces of reality : ............
A : sex is a part of wifes duty for her husband
b: sex is an entertainment , you pay , you play - what ever happens to your pleasure toy..
c: sex is the physical form of initmacy and resultant of love and affection
d: sex is a prohibited human action forbidden by law and religion unless certain conditions are met
e: sex is a natural human reproductive behavior
f: sex is a business for women to make money and Life out of it .. ( at least in islamic terms )
g: sex is a need . ( homosexuality is a resort , prior to necrophilia and beastality .. )
h: sex is a luxury the rich can reach and the poor cant afford .
i: lova is created when you have sex ( sounds like islamic teachings as a compensation for forced traditional marriages )
Can some one help me with these Coexisting and Paradoxical Facts ?
oh god i feel Sick when i find it like a natural need and Smell the stink of big social and traditional bullshit attached to it ... .