Thursday, April 27

news about me

well people .

i had chicken pox or pots or whatever , and got my face entirely turned ( so i can grow better plants then :)) )

but i'm back
with a lot of new toughts to share , with u few friends ..

and a lot of things about girls and sex , my favorite topics .. ( don't blame me , i like society , and they are half of the entire subject ... )

ایکاروس بن دیدالوس

welcome to the club ... my old friend ..

Monday, April 17

Being diffrent متفاوت بودن

تنهايي بهاي متفاوت بودن است .
بياموزم كه اين بها را بپردازم .

being diffrent has a price i have to learn to pay .
and it is loneliness .

A big question .

IS SEX a mutually enjoyable relation ship that is equal for both parties OR
it is a SERVICE provided by Women for Men , in return men should provide security , love , money and ...................... ?

Saturday, April 15


William Arthur Ward :

" The Greatest Failure is the failure to Try "
" The Greatest Failure is the failure to Try "
" The Greatest Failure is the failure to Try "
" The Greatest Failure is the failure to Try "
" The Greatest Failure is the failure to Try "
" The Greatest Failure is the failure to Try "
" The Greatest Failure is the failure to Try "

but , hope is the beggining of dissapointment , so try with your own will , not with the hope of success.

Friday, April 14


It's not good ..
i enjoy listening metal music Again ..
and this means i'm angry , and i'm tired , and i'm needy , and sound of my rage will rise again ..
... . . . .

Thursday, April 13

exploring girls part three

Do nice guys really finish last?
By Matt Schneiderman

It’s every single guy’s nightmare: He’s on a date with a woman he digs and he’s doing everything right, from asking “all about her” to paying the check before she’s even returned from the restroom. He calls her promptly the next day for date number two... only to hear her confess that she’s obsessed with some guy, despite his flaws—like never paying for dinner or returning her calls. Indeed, it’s enough to convince any sincere, sweet guy that he can’t win at love... and wonder why, in this day and age, women still fall for that bad-boy shtick? What is it about them that turns women on—and how can a decent guy gain an edge? We asked a couple of experts and three women with bad boys in their past to unravel the mystery.

The panelists:
  • Sherry Argov, author of the upcoming Why Men Marry Bitches: A Woman's Guide to Winning Her Man's Heart
  • Dan Indante, co-author of The Complete A**hole's Guide to Handling Chicks
  • Lisa Freedman, 22
  • Judy Coleman, 24
  • Marcelle Karp, 41
Q: Bad boys. What’s the allure?
Dan Indante: Women are lying when they say they want a nice guy. Their mothers might want them to meet Mr. Right, but they all want the bad boys. The nice guys are too accessible, and women really want what they can't have. When a guy treats a woman poorly, it makes her think she can’t have him. It’s the thrill of the hunt, the forbidden fruit.

Sherry Argov: I pin it on low self-worth. The allure is that she believes she deserves a guy who treats her poorly. Two-thirds of women are insecure and will gravitate towards bad boys. Women with high self-worth wouldn't put up with bad behavior for 30 seconds.

Marcelle: A bad boy has a bit of danger about him—and if you fall for him, you'll have a long drop. My first bad boy, Erik, had a quick sense of humor, a tragic family history, and gorgeous green eyes. His best friend Steven had the hugest crush on me and was such a good guy. I went for Erik.

Lisa: As a high-strung type, I was always attracted to bad boys because they were relaxed and didn’t care about anything. I thought maybe it would rub off on me. I dated a guy who dabbled in illicit behavior, and I became mysterious and bad by association.

Q: Are there certain times women are more drawn to bad boys—say, when they’re young and not interested in a serious relationship?
Sherry Argov: Women are more attracted to bad boys when they're in their twenties. Bad boys put women they're seeing into a holding pattern where they keep the relationship from progressing. For younger women, this is a way to avoid ever having to get that close.

Marcelle: My tastes definitely changed over time. Bad boys slept on futons, good guys slept in real beds. After a while, I started wanting to sleep in a real bed.

Q: How does a guy give himself away as good or bad on a first date?
Lisa: I can tell if he’ll be a good guy or a bad boy before we even go out. If he’s too shy when we make plans, he’s going to be a lame good-guy date. But if he takes charge and tells me what we'll be doing, I know I may have found a bad boy.

Judy: The number one sign of a bad boy is someone who says, "We're just having fun" or "I like hanging out with you"—the same way you'd talk about a friend.

Sherry Argov: The bad boy is smooth, slick—rehearsed. Chances are, he has his con down pat. He's also impatient with regards to sex. At the end of the night, a bad boy will come on too strong and say things like, "You're a prude," "You're too uptight," "You're not trusting me."

Q: Can a bad boy turn good? Or a good guy turn bad?
Lisa: I could never turn a bad boy good, even though I tried (and had fun trying). I didn't want to make him all good—just a little bit so I could have the best of both worlds. But I have definitely turned good guys bad. They're so eager to please; they'll do anything you want. Good guys are normally afraid to try fun stuff in the bedroom, but that's usually the first place I could get them to change.

Marcelle: Once you tame a bad boy, there's nothing bad about him—he becomes human. The really, really bad boys could never be scared straight, though.

Judy: I succeeded in turning a bad boy good once. We dated for six weeks, during which time he was flaky and treated me badly, until he ultimately broke up with me. But we never fell completely out of touch. He says he wants to get back together, calls regularly and checks in, and his tone is completely different. But he had his chance, and he blew it.

Q: Can a good guy get a little bit of the bad-boy mystique? Should he?
Sherry Argov: A little bit of bad boy is OK—like salt in your diet. Don't be too obvious about how much you like a woman; leave her wondering a little bit. Do most of the pursuing, but not all. Keep her guessing about your whereabouts to a certain degree. Be a little bit mysterious.

Dan Indante: He should save the chivalry for his mom or sister. When he's out on a date, the woman should wonder a bit about how he feels about her—like, if she weren't there, someone else would be.

Q: In the end, who really wins: The nice guy or the bad boy?
Sherry Argov: The good guy—who is also smart enough to sustain intrigue by keeping the woman guessing a little bit.

Lisa: I'm with someone now who's a good guy with a hint of bad boy. He's not afraid to challenge me, but he’s totally trustworthy, supportive, and treats me right—none of which I'd get with a bad boy.

Judy: The guy I'm dating right now is a 100-percent good guy—and I could not be happier. I don't have to ever think about nice things he could be doing for me, because he's already done them.

Freelance writer Matt Schneiderman has written for Stuff and Sync magazines. He is a pretty good guy.

exploring girls part TWO

yeah .. reality hurts , specially for those who are unprepared and far from it .

Tuesday, April 11

يك كمي ادب

Sunday, April 9

questions of the always selfish me ...

What is it ??!!?!?!?! really ..

Common , tell me , you , out there ..
come closer ..
tell me why , ... i'm always intrested in you ,
why do i always try to see , try to know but
you always keep the distance , and walk away ?

What is it ??

why no one cares about the way i think ,
why no one tries to understand ?

WHAT is it ??

is it with me , or with you ?
why no one tries to talk , no one helps ?

Saturday, April 8

مزار احمد شاملو تخريب شد

۱۸ فروردين ۱۳۸۵ - بعد از ظهر ۱۹:۱۸ تعداد بازديد: 20793 كد خبر: ۳۷۰۹۵

شب گذشته مزار "احمد شاملو " در امامزاده طاهر کرج توسط افراد ناشناس تخریب شد .

سیاوش شاملو - فرزند احمد شاملو در گفتگو با «مهر» ، با اعلام این خبر افزود : طی پنج سال اخیر ، تا امروز چهار سنگ قبر تعویض کرده ام که هر کدام در فروردین ماه ( آغاز هر سال ) تخریب شده اند .

وی در ادامه افزود : دو شب پیش که تخریب مختصری صورت گرفت ، نگهبان صحن امام زاده طاهر نسبت به این اتفاق اظهار بی اطلاعی کرده و قول داد در حد امکان از ادامه این مسئله جلوگیری کند ، اما متاسفانه تخریب دیشب عمیق تر بوده و تکه هایی از سنگ قبر نیز که امضای احمد شاملو بر آن منقوش بوده ، مفقود شده است .

نمي فهمم كه جنگ اسلام با ادب پارسي چيه ؟‌

exploring girls part one

as u have understood , girls are one of my mental concerns ...
i do spend time thinking about their behaviors , and habits .
( 'cause i do believe that knowing them helps me with finding one .... ;) ) (What a silly tought)

anyway ...

disclaimer : any similarity between these toughts and real girls are intentional and a part of my plans . (I think I told you I try to study and know girls!!)

my newest discoveries shows that , women DO tend to have multiple men and this is some how hardwired into their subconscious and feelings .
seeking it's roots i found out that this is very natural cause they have the responsibility to breed and this has to happen in a Biological level rather than Mental or even social level , and it's an instinct , so finding the most fertile man , is a biological rule . well that's it ...

another discovery i have made is that female has Extreme tendency to Avoid any clarity in her social activity .. (Unless she has to defend herself ...) (most of the time even that will happen but with least clarity .. )
i donno why but girls tend to hide Everything .
and a Special Expectation takes things to the Extreme , and the expectation is . She Always expects you to know how she feels, what she likes, what she wants and what to do ....

on the romantic side , with a stable society , it's So romantic , but in REALity . it's quite a challenge ...

All for now , ...
I'll keep you posted .

Friday, April 7

WOW , riding bike is such a wonderful thing to do ..


it's such a joy , riding my bike .. free and flying it feels like ..

- and it helps to burn some fat out of my idle body ;)

i wish i could share this delight . . .

Thursday, April 6

بدون شرح ......

واقعا ايران از نظر اجتماعي داره قله هاي رفيعي رو فتح ميكنه
( يه چيزي نزديك قله هاي رفيع شهادت ) ‌ا

مرتضی خواجوی مدیرکل پیشگیری از آسیب های سازمان بهزیستی کشور اعلام کرد که « سن بزهکاری جامعه به زیر ده سال رسیده، کف سنی فحشاء به 14 سال و کف سنی اعتیاد به 13 سال رسیده است.»
مدیرکل پیشگیری آسیب های سازمان بهزیستی کشور گفت:« حدود 14 میلیون نفر با مشکل روانی دست و پنجه نرم می کنند.»
«20 تا 30 درصد دانش آموزان سیگاری هستند.»

Wednesday, April 5

What is it ?

bits and pieces of reality : ............

A : sex is a part of wifes duty for her husband

b: sex is an entertainment , you pay , you play - what ever happens to your pleasure toy..

c: sex is the physical form of initmacy and resultant of love and affection

d: sex is a prohibited human action forbidden by law and religion unless certain conditions are met

e: sex is a natural human reproductive behavior

f: sex is a business for women to make money and Life out of it .. ( at least in islamic terms )

g: sex is a need . ( homosexuality is a resort , prior to necrophilia and beastality .. )

h: sex is a luxury the rich can reach and the poor cant afford .

i: lova is created when you have sex ( sounds like islamic teachings as a compensation for forced traditional marriages )

Can some one help me with these Coexisting and Paradoxical Facts ?

oh god i feel Sick when i find it like a natural need and Smell the stink of big social and traditional bullshit attached to it ... .

Saturday, April 1

Dark and Dirty ..

Action : -----------------------------------------------

Q: why there are no muslims on the star trek.
A: because it's set in future .

ReAction : --------------------------------------------

how can you imagine a future world without muslims
when they 5uck like rabbits and give birth like pigs ...


if this vision has an eccence of reality i rpoject muslim life so close to life of micro organisms , the only method for remaining alive is muliplying and multiplying .. and the only sign of human behavior among them , is that they learn to protect themselves from their own toxins , so that they can increase their density ....