Monday, January 16

Life and progress

one of my friends have just arrived from Austrailia for christmass holidays ..
he is a student there , and studies Animation .

He told me about normal behavior of people there .

he said , in aus. people work 5 days a week, and they work hard , to spend weekends enjoying barbeque and Beer .
he said they usually find him Crazy because he tries to improve his abilities and knowledge by studying animation ( which is a complicated thing to do , compared to Plumbing or selling or working as construction worker ) .

this was one of my greates questions , how come They ( the public mass ) DO live with needs fullfilled and they go for Beer and Food and sex , instead of going for Art , Creativity or Philosophy or Science , or whatever that is considered intellectual ?

Why their Moto's are things like - Live your happy life - or - Enjoy yourself - or - Why bother - .. or ... ?

and i compared them to Our society, Iran , a place where Graduation , and University degrees Talk , and people are measured by the weight of attached Documents showing how much they have studied ...

i suddenly realised HOW Fake we live .
one , intellectual by his/her true self , will go FAR distances , when he/she is Financially supported and will move frontiers in his/her field .
but we have learnt to Fake it like everything else we DO fake ( faith , islam , love , respect , ... )
we fake it because we learnt to respect Socalled society rules instead of being ourselves .

and those who live there .. have learnt to be themselves .
the flesh of the society , covered by a supporting government , will work and enjoy it's life , and keeps the big wheels rolling , and those Exceptionals , will be Supported Adequetly , to move further on their own , and rise the standards on human understandings and life , For the society .

but in iran , dependent of the level of your mental dirt , and your ability to show off and tell lies , you are entitled to have more opportunities to ruin the society and promote your ownself Financially .

sample : put on some beard , try to add some words of islam to your speakings , and .. you'll have your paperwork done FAST , you'll have your Loans and financial supports , and you can sail this corruption lake .

and if you try to be your self , it's a desert out there , find your shelter , or the sun will burn you , and cold night will freez you dead .



Blogger Maryam said...

This is the matter I always have challenge on. I’m not sure if I should work hard and hard and hard to have a comfortable life in future or I should enjoy the time I’m living in. It seems easy to decide, but is really hard! It’s about 3 days that I’ve decided to forget about my exams and live my life the way that I like. I do nothing special, but the feeling is unbelievable. So, why should I put a great stress on myself for the things that are not really important? But, u know, it lasts just one or two weeks! Then I start to think “so what?” Have we come to this world to just do nothing? And this endless loop continues and continues…
The problem is somewhere deep deep inside! For me it’s not easily accessible. And I’ll be happy if someone finds it and its solution!

2:22 PM  
Blogger Alireza said...

it depends on what class of society we are talking about. there are people work hard enjoy arts and culture. and people who are into beer and sex and BBQ as well.
but important is not to live to work, work to live!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Alireza said...

all of the acceptable in my opinion!
it depends on what you like!

5:17 PM  

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